Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Even Gingrich Is Saying We Should Pull Out Of Iraq.

Source: Argus Leader

Newt's saying that we should have left a small force in Iraq, like we did in Korea and Germany, but staying there past June of 2003 was a big mistake.

He also had something to say about Iran.

Iran as a nuclear threat was on the forefront of some students' minds as they asked if the United States would be capable of subduing Iran as a nuclear threat.

Gingrich told the students their generation was entering a dangerous period - just as dangerous or more than that of the Cold War. He said the best move would be to replace Iran's government by organizing opposition within Iran.

A student asked if that would be possible now, considering the United States' involvement in Iraq.

"Could we do it technically? Yes," Gingrich said. "We're not using much of our Navy or Air Force.

"If Iranians don't think you're prepared to replace their government, they'll never consider (a) deal."

And this may be the smartest comment to ever come out of Newt's mouth:

Gingrich also addressed concerns over immigration law. He'd like to stem the influx of illegal immigrants by providing "smart cards" that use biometric identification with fingerprints or retinas for temporary workers. United States businesses have set a tricky precedent, he said, because they hire illegal immigrants.

"Why not show up" as illegal immigrants, Gingrich said. After all, he said, "Americans like to break the law" by hiring them.

Here's the video if you'd like to watch. He also talks about government policy on wiretapping.

Video link

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