Source: AP News via Yahoo
The GOP has made it clear that they only take care of those who are big donors of the Republican party or those who are wealthy.
The rest of the population is getting fed up with having to take more of this nation's tax burden while those with the most at the top continue to skirt along, not paying their fair share.
WASHINGTON -- Taxes rise and fall from one administration to the next, but the unpopularity of the income tax system is constant. An Ipsos Poll finds that almost six of 10 people say the system is unfair, a percentage virtually unchanged from two decades ago.
The perception of unfairness is spread fairly evenly across income groups -- though their reasons may differ. More than half of those who make less than $50,000 a year said it's unfair, and more than six in 10 of those who make more than $50,000 felt that way.
In fact, unhappiness with the tax system was spread fairly evenly across income groups, age groups and education levels.
A majority of people said the middle class, the self-employed and small businesses pay too much in taxes, the poll found. And they think those with high incomes and big businesses don't pay enough.
Until big money, lobbyists, and politics in this country find some level of separation, I seriously doubt this will ever change.
Tags: [income tax], [tax system is unfair], [wealthiest don't pay their fair share of taxes], [everyone is unhappy with the income tax system]
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