Source: CNN
(see video via the above link)
I find the stance from the Bush administration on the immigration protests laughable, and he is now showing his true hypocritical colors.
Bush's reaction to the outlash: "Bush says enforce the existing law" as it is proudly proclaimed in bold black text on the header of the GOP mouthpiece, the Drudge Report.
(Warning: this will probably be yanked soon, good old Drudge tends to pull stuff which is embarrassing for the Republicans while Democratic mudslinging stays up for a week or so.)
Yeah Bush, "enforce the existing law"...what about your daily raping of the constitution?
* Those EPA environmental regulations--scrap them. Who needs clean water? F#$k our kids and the future in the name of riches.
* The workplace safety laws? Well, you know, several mining accidents involving deaths show the "successes" in that light.
* Protecting the country, your sworn duty...one word: ports--enough said.
These words being sputtered by an (I hope ex by now?) ex-cocaine and alcohol addict are a laughable ruse at best.
"America is a nation of immigrants, and we're also a nation of laws," Bush said in his weekly radio address.
"When illegal immigrants know they will be caught and sent home, they will be less likely to break the rules, and our immigration system will be more orderly and secure."
The president acknowledged it was an "emotional debate" but continued "America does not have to choose between being a welcoming society and being a lawful society."
A march against proposed legislation in Congress was set for Saturday through downtown Los Angeles, California, a day after thousands of people staged similar demonstrations in Georgia, Arizona and elsewhere.
So let me get this straight.
A crowd full of Americans and Mexicans who moved north for a better life...by them publicly protesting, they are breaking the law?
I remember this certain document--the one they have printed on the toilet paper at the White House--that says otherwise. That certain, uh, "just a goddamned piece of paper" or also known as the Constitution of the United States.
The document our wonderful president lied about under oath when he swore to protect and uphold it, not once but twice in two swearing-in ceremonies.
So, getting back on track here.
The first First Amendment of the Constitution, or sections of the Bill of Rights, says that even though you don't like it, Shrub, these people are extolling their rights as good citizens.
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is a part of the United States Bill of Rights. Textually, it prevents the U.S. Congress from infringing on six rights. It forbids laws that:
* Establish a state religion or prefer certain religion (the "Establishment Clause");
* Prohibit the free exercise of religion (the "Free Exercise Clause");
* Infringe the freedom of speech;
* Infringe the freedom of the press;
* Limit the right to assemble peaceably;
* Limit the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
I'm glad to see these Hispanic brothers and sisters standing up for freedom.
The question I often ask myself is why are they willing to protest for their rights when the rest of us won't? Obviously, they know the value of freedom and rights while we refuse to do the very acts that our robbing of daily freedoms demands.
Who is going to jump on that horse like Paul Revere did against the British invasion and sound the warning, riding through towns yelling, "The Neo-cons are coming, freedom as we know it is dying!"
When are people going to simply stand up and say enough is enough?
That time is now people! Don't wait till it's too damn late.
Tags: [Bush], [Bush says to enforce existing law], [immigration laws], [protest over Sensenbrenner bill], [Constitution], [First Amendment], [Bill of Rights], [Bush calls Constitution "just a goddamned piece of paper"], [Bush wipes his ass with the Constitution]
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