Source: Washington Post
A "War" on Christians...please tell me you're joking, right?
Let's not forget history in our shortsighted rant. What about the little historical shindig known as the "Crusades," perhaps? Or people like Pat Robertson going out saying outrageous things like "9/11 happened because of gays in the country"?
I'm just not buying the argument in this country, Rick Scarborough.
The "War on Christmas" has morphed into a "War on Christians."
Last December, some evangelical Christian groups declared that the religious celebration of Christmas -- and even the phrase "Merry Christmas" -- was under attack by the forces of secularism.
This week, radio commentator Rick Scarborough convened a two-day conference in Washington on the "War on Christians and the Values Voters in 2006." The opening session was devoted to "reports from the frontlines" on "persecution" of Christians in the United States and Canada, including an artist whose paintings were barred from a municipal art show in Deltona, Fla., because they contained religious themes.
"It doesn't rise to the level of persecution that we would see in China or North Korea," said Tristan Emmanuel, a Canadian activist. "But let's not pretend that it's okay."
How about a lack of accountability from religious leaders more concerned with power and political issues rather than church issues of the day?
In China, North Korea, or more recently Afghanistan, yes, these people risk their lives for the religion they love, but in America? Come on, I don't think so.
Nice try on an extremely classless and poor attempt at scoring cheap political points, but the argument does not hold water here in the U.S.
Tags: [Rick Scarborough], ["war on Christians"], ["War on Christmas" has morphed into a "War on Christians."], ["War on Christians and the Values Voters in 2006."], [attempt at scoring cheap political points], ["persecution" of Christians in the United States and Canada?]
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