Monday, March 20, 2006

Top U.S. General: Operation Swarmer Should Be Called Operation Over-Hyped..

General George Casey on Meet the Press--ha ha, jokes on you.

The soldiers and the helicopters on TV sure looked nice, didn't they?
GENERAL GEORGE CASEY: I wouldn't categorize [Operation] Swarmer as a major combat operation. It was an operation to go out into an almost uninhabited area. So it was certainly nothing like the operation in Fallujah. I think frankly it got a little more hype than it deserved because of the use of the helicopters to get the Iraqi and the coalition forces there. It might have looked a little more formidable than it actually was.

Now, I'm getting confused.
The Pentagon's website called this a "major operation"?

Operation Swarmer begins with the largest air assault operation since the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Just another waste of crucial military resources.

Couldn't you guys have just saved some tax dollars and paid Spielberg or Chrichton to do the same propaganda in a Hollywood studio? Same scripted junk for a 10th of the cost.

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