Source: National Journal
As the 2004 election loomed, the White House was determined to keep the wraps on a potentially damaging memo about Iraq.
That memo, the classified one-page summary of a National Intelligence Estimate, specifically written for Bush in October 2002, which stated aluminum tubes found in Iraq were more likely to be used for conventional weapons not related to an uranium enrichment effort.
Big surprise here...Bush tells an obvious lie in his 2003 State of the Union Address, orchestrated by political shark and evil advisor, Karl Rove.
Karl Rove, President Bush's chief political adviser, cautioned other White House aides in the summer of 2003 that Bush's 2004 re-election prospects would be severely damaged if it was publicly disclosed that he had been personally warned that a key rationale for going to war had been challenged within the administration. Rove expressed his concerns shortly after an informal review of classified government records by then-Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen J. Hadley determined that Bush had been specifically advised that claims he later made in his 2003 State of the Union address -- that Iraq was procuring high-strength aluminum tubes to build a nuclear weapon -- might not be true, according to government records and interviews.
Hadley was particularly concerned that the public might learn of a classified one-page summary of a National Intelligence Estimate, specifically written for Bush in October 2002. The summary said that although "most agencies judge" that the aluminum tubes were "related to a uranium enrichment effort," the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research and the Energy Department's intelligence branch "believe that the tubes more likely are intended for conventional weapons."
How much is it going to take for people kick this guy out of the White House?
We now have a war we went to where the president and his entire administration deliberately lied to Americans and the world.
We have the outing of a CIA agent, risking the lives of several agents still under deep cover which was unwarranted and very malicious.
I compare what Clinton did--lying about a blow job--to what Bush did and still does, and there is no comparison.
These are war crimes, people; crimes against innocent Iraqi citizens, and we as Americans are suffering due to the budget strain. We will pay for years in cuts to social programs and school funding thanks to an administration that has used this fake war to go spend crazy.
This president has let all Americans down, and he has failed to uphold his elected duties. He has failed to uphold his sworn duty under the Bible.
Bush has to go.
Impeachment is the only option, and it has to send the message home that no U.S. president, may they be Democrat or Republican, is above the law. Impeach and get this terrible failure out of power before he screws anything else up or hurts anyone else. If not for America, do it for the world.
Tags: [Bush], [lies], [Bush lies], [White House], [Bush administration], [2003 State of the Union Address], [Karl Rove], [], [classified one-page summary of a National Intelligence Estimate], [White House was determined to keep the wraps on a potentially damaging memo about Iraq], [Bush knew that Saddam was not building nukes]
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