Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Bush To Cleveland: " Anybody Work Here In This Town?"

After getting frustrated at the length of the Q&A session of his speech in Cleveland today, the monkey spoke off-script and advisors cringed in horror.

Bush: "Anybody work here in this town?"

Watch it here.

Bush inadvertently hit upon a subject he otherwise ignored--unemployment in Cleveland. Economic conditions in the city have worsened considerably during Bush's presidency. Some numbers to chew on:

--5.8 percent: Cleveland unemployment rate, Jan. 2006
--4.5 percent: Cleveland unemployment rate, Jan. 2001

--5.3 percent: Ohio unemployment rate, Jan. 2006
--4.0 percent: Ohio unemployment rate, Jan. 2001

--31.3 percent: Cleveland poverty rate, 2003
--24.3 percent: Cleveland poverty rate, 2001

Yes, Mr. President, the truth is that a lot of people in Cleveland don't work because they can't find jobs.

A question this stupid coming from a guy who spends a majority of his presidency on vacation down on the farm.

So I flip this question back to the Bush White House.

Does anyone work more than half a calendar year in the White House?

I'm not including the 100% of the time he spends on vacation in his mind. Drug abuse kind of does that to a person.

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