Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Bush Blames Saddam For Iraq Instability.

Source: AP News via Yahoo

Does this man have an once of truth or accountability in his body?

Come on, Mr. President. Blaming Saddam Hussein for Iraq's instability...that's like blaming Castro for the hurricanes that hit America every hurricane season.

This guy doesn't have a clue, and it shows more and more every day.

WASHINGTON -- President Bush said Wednesday that Saddam Hussein, not continued U.S. involvement in Iraq, is responsible for ongoing sectarian violence that is threatening the formation of a democratic government.

In his third speech this month to bolster public support for the war, Bush worked to counter critics who say the U.S. presence in the wartorn nation is fueling the insurgency. Bush said that Saddam was a tyrant and used violence to exacerbate sectarian divisions to keep himself in power, and that as a result, deep tensions persist to this day.

"The enemies of a free Iraq are employing the same tactics Saddam used, killing and terrorizing the Iraqi people in an effort to foment sectarian division," Bush said.

The president also pushed Iraq to speed up the formation of a unity government, seen as the best option to subdue the violence gripping several Iraqi cities.

How about blaming yourself, sir?

How about a lack of leadership that resembles favors and profits for businesses in Iraq while the people suffer?

Wow, that sounds a bit like somewhere else...sort of like America.

"The Iraqi government is still in transition, and the Iraqi security forces are still gathering capacity," Bush said. "If we leave Iraq before they're capable of defending their own democracy, the terrorists will win."

Yes, President Bush--the terrorists, or you, have won. You have destroyed Iraq and plunged them into civil war. That wonderful, "free" Afghanistan is again a hotbed for warlords, human smuggling, and drug trafficking.

Any other countries that you guys feel the need to invade for their oil? Maybe Canada, they just found billions in reserves. Holland has the massive coal deposits they unearthed. Or perhaps Mexico, our southern Hispanic neighbors, are setting on huge oil-beds.

Oh, that's right...the next in Operation Grab Another's Resources is Iran.

Not the nut with the nukes in North Korea. Iran.

I guess there is no oil or natural gas reserves in North Korea, just nukes; no money to be made there.

When all is said and done, and GW is about to be impeached, will Bush blame Saddam for that, too?

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