Did the leadership of the FBI hinder a full and thorough investigation of Zacarias Moussaoui in August 2001?
If you believe FBI Agent Harry Samit, then the answer would be yes.
FBI agent who arrested Zacarias Moussaoui in August 2001 accused headquarters of criminal negligence for its refusal to investigate Moussaoui aggressively after his arrest, according to court testimony Monday.
Agent Harry Samit testified under cross-examination at Moussaoui's trial that FBI headquarters' refusal to follow up "prevented a serious opportunity to stop the 9/11 attacks" that killed nearly 3,000 people.
Moussaoui is the only person charged in this country in the attacks.
The defense argues that nothing Moussaoui said after his arrest would have made any difference to the FBI because its bureaucratic intransigence rendered it incapable of reacting swiftly to Moussaoui's arrest under any circumstances.
Under cross-examination by defense attorney Edward MacMahon, Samit acknowledged that he predicted in an Aug. 18, 2001, memo that Moussaoui was a radical Islamic terrorist in a criminal conspiracy to hijack aircraft. Moussaoui ended up pleading guilty to two specific counts that Samit had explicitly predicted in his Aug. 18 memo.
Despite Samit's urgent pleadings, FBI headquarters refused to open a criminal investigation and refused Samit's entreaties to obtain a search warrant.
"You needed people in Washington to help you out?" MacMahon asked.
"Yes," Samit said.
"They didn't do that, did they?"
Samit said no.
He confirmed under questioning that he had attributed FBI inaction to "obstructionism, criminal negligence and careerism" in an earlier report.
Looks like another Pearl Harbor here, folks.
Look the other way while people die in an attack you had clear and decisive warning about so you can further your political agenda.
One FBI supervisor thought Samit was getting a bit too over-emotional over eminent 9/11 attacks.
I guess a person shouldn't take their job seriously and actually try to stop the destruction of 2 buildings and the death of thousands?
One FBI supervisor in Washington told Samit that he was getting unnecessarily "spun up" about his concerns over Moussaoui.
Just another livid example how "gross incompetence" is very deadly.
Tags: [Zacarias Moussaoui], [FBI], [FBI Agent Harry Samit], [FBI accused of criminal negligence], [FBI refused to investigate Moussaoui aggressively after his arrest],[another Pearl Harbor], [gross incompetence]
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